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Explore career opportunities through our e-Recruitment system. 61 open jobs for Safety manager in Sarawak. Kursus Safety And Health Officer 2019 Xp Technic Solution We believe in simplicity and hassle-free job applications and candidate sourcing. . Page 1 of 106. Prepare and cook food according to recipes quality Posted. Most Relevant 122 health and safety Jobs in Sarawak Shin Yang Shipping Sdn. Safety Health Officer jobs in Sarawak Sort by. Safety Officer Jobs in Sarawak. Sarawaks sole cement and clinker manufacturer producing Portland Cement of the highest quality since 1978. Minimum 7 years HSE working experience in Oil and Gas industry or 10 years. New Safety officer Jobs in Sarawak available today on JobStreet - Quality Candidates Quality Employers. This platform is designed specifically for Sarawakians with elements of local dialects. To ensure the companys health safety and. Malaysi...